About Me – is that System?

Software Engineer since 2010. This blog will contain basic info about me and my previous experience. I will try to add some content related to hands on tech information, life and tips about body building.  New approaches on tech related issues such as mobile marketing via artificial intelligence, rule engines, cloud practices, using unofficial instagram api, agile practices, seo, using git, being a remote developer ….

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • DB –Oracle – PL/SQL – Postgresql, Mysql
  • NO-SQL
  • Spring (Cloud, Boot, Batch, Security,Data)
  • Jgroups
  • Redis, Ehcache (if you have enough memory for jvm stack)
  • Streaming, Rule Engines
  • Kafka (At most once, At least once, Exactly Once), Avro
  • Hazelcast
  • ActiveMQ, Zookeeper
  • Docker
  • Marketing tech projects (not only with try learn but also optimize the parameters with genetic algorithms)
  • Deeplearning4j, Weka, Genetic Algorithms
  • SMPP, Sms Gateway
  • Selenium, Appium
  • TDD- Unit test, Mock
  • Event Sourcing (choreography microservice)
  • Scala (Play framework beginner)
  • Liquibase, JPA, JSF (primefaces)
  • Oracle from installation to remote centos to management , cold backup, hot backup
  • Architectural patterns from client server pattern based on socket, to microservices, mvc …
  • interested in Oracle FN – machine learning based systems – like to create web/mobile apps like instagram viewer, whisper tips (betting suggestion system with small revenue)  etc…
  • Marketing with Artificial Intelligence – Feature Selection via Genetic Algorithm – PCA 1, PCA 2, Find correlations, Labelling, Customer Value Management
  • Car Driver Scoring Artificial Intelligence – Feature Selection via Genetic Algorithm 
  • Collecting Football team & player statistics for more than 8 years for Football Betting Result Analyser- Deeplearning4j, Weka, Selenium, Kafka, Ionic 3, Firebase (creating small revenue)
  • Telecom –> Smpp, Callnow, Auto-callback, Pcap4j
  • Mobile Marketing Profiler- Cross selling, Churn Reduction, Predictive Intelligence 

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